Communist Youth Organization

The Youth Branch of The Workers’ Communist Party of Iran

Chia Barsen: Thousands protest at Mall of America against police brutality

Thousands of people gathered in cities such as Boston; in boulder, Colorado; in Portland, Oregon; in Austin, Tex; in Bay Area, California; and in New York City to protest against the lack of accountability for the lethal police violence against unarmed Black people.

The names of two recent police brutality victims continue to be echoed in the protests: Mike Brown of Ferguson and Eric Garner, who was strangled to death in Staten Island in July. After being taken to court, the police was found innocent in relation to the death of both these men.

The state, via the police, protects and defends the laws that are written in defense of private property and corporate profits, such as breaking strikes and breaking up protests that get in the way of stores selling their goods, such as we saw in the Mall of America.

Corporations accumulate their profits by dispossessing the workers from the value s/he produces in the workplace and outside of the workplace with the exchange-value system (increasing the cost of living such as rent and food). Today there is a colossal difference in the amount of wealth controlled by the top 1% and the bottom 99%. The role of the state, especially the police, who are in the front line of the clash between these two classes, is to mediate it, using its monopoly on violence if necessary.  In this way, since the police force, as part of the state, is itself the coercive force to protect property and encapsulate the legal dispossession of the working class, capitalism will never allow it to be made frail or fragile in anyway.  History has made this fact clear that as the working class exploitation increases, through higher prices and lower wages and loss of benefits, it correlates positively with higher cases of police ruthless brutality.

Creating and or maintaining divisions within the working class such as by gender, ethnicity or race benefits capital accumulation.  It is to the benefit of capitalism to keep wages as low as possible, and by breaking worker’s solidarity through divisions such as race, the system as a whole benefits.
Today the working people in the US are fighting against the state, its laws and the police, and are taking this fight where it really matters: disrupting the profits of corporate America. By holding their protest in the Mall of America, the Black Lives Matter movement essential clogge
d one of many of United States’ corporate arteries for a day.  This method of protest is also an economic attack on the faceless capital accumulation which is the foundations of misery of this class struggle.

Chia Barsen

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