Iranian people! Libertarian men and women!
10th of October is the global day against Capital Punishment. This year the general assembly of United Nations is suppose to ratify a resolution asking all governments to suspend the Capital Punishment. 10th of October the whole world will look at Execution, which is the state deliberate murder that still happens in some countries including Iran. Islamic Republic, which is number one in the world whether in execution figures in relation to the population of the country or execution in public, will face global protest. 10th of October everybody are going to look at Iran and this is the best opportunity for the whole Iranian society, together with libertarian people of the world, to declare that execution is denounced. To declare that execution is a organized crime with the government planning and it should be banned everywhere. That execution is for intimidating the society and declaration of the power of state criminals. That execution is a declaration of indifference toward human life, that it is middle-age-like and brutal and it should be sent to history trash. Worker-communist Party calls on all libertarian people to come to scene at 10th of October, in anyway that they can.
Workers, Teachers, Women, Youth, Students!
10th of October is an opportunity to, together with the world, stand against this hideous state crime and denounce it in every form. We have to denounce the Capital Punishment, this hideous state crime, in every factory, in every university and school and classroom, and in every neighborhood and community. We have around one month to prepare for 10th of October and to express, as strong as possible, our collective protest. From making a petition and sending it to execution-opposing International authorities and organizations to organizing gatherings, speeches, discussions, conversations, writing graffiti in city and workplace and school, we have to oppose Capital Punishment in every possible way. The sheer majority of Iranian people are staunchly against execution and the government of executions. This hatred and unhappiness should be turned to an organized movement.
Capital Punishment is nowhere as extensive and as brutal as in Islamic Republic. Islamic Republic has executed more than hundred thousand people of our beloveds. And in the other side, there is a unique, vast and strong movement against executions that exists in the heart of Iranian society. The movement against executions is the same force that protested the execution decree of “Kobra Rahmanpour”s, raised up to save Nazanin Fatehi, and, on 7th of September, mobilized in response to call of prisoners. 10th of October is a unique opportunity for this movement to oppose the Islamic Republic and its executions 100 times more strong and with a voice, more vocal than ever, all over the world.
In Abroad:
10th of October we should gather in large gatherings all over the world and demand a ban on execution in Iran and all over the world. We should come to scene and strongly denounce the Islamic Republic, the governments of USA, China and other executing governments. We should come to scene and together with people in Iran oppose the government of 100 thousands executions; we should attack this government in every direction. We have about a month to bring more people to the struggle, make them aware of this hideous act of the states and make them oppose the executing governments and standing against stoning and executions of Islamic Republic, everywhere, in city streets and squares and in contacting human rights organizations and bodies.
This opportunity is to be priced. We should, with all of our efforts in various aspects and day-and-night struggle to bring sheer masses of people to a open, vast and organized protest, convert 10th of October to a turning point in progress against Capital Punishment and the regime of 100 thousands executions. Worker-communist Party, both inside the country and abroad, on 10th of October, will use all its force to oppose Capital Punishment generally and Islamic Republic particularly.
We salute all activists and fighters against executions for a vast, strong and historical 10th of October.
Long live global struggle to eliminate the Capital Punishment
Shall the movement of Iranian people against executions be victorious
Down with Islamic Republic
Long Live Socialist Republic
Worker-communist Party of Iran
September 12th, 2007
10th of October is the global day against Capital Punishment. This year the general assembly of United Nations is suppose to ratify a resolution asking all governments to suspend the Capital Punishment. 10th of October the whole world will look at Execution, which is the state deliberate murder that still happens in some countries including Iran. Islamic Republic, which is number one in the world whether in execution figures in relation to the population of the country or execution in public, will face global protest. 10th of October everybody are going to look at Iran and this is the best opportunity for the whole Iranian society, together with libertarian people of the world, to declare that execution is denounced. To declare that execution is a organized crime with the government planning and it should be banned everywhere. That execution is for intimidating the society and declaration of the power of state criminals. That execution is a declaration of indifference toward human life, that it is middle-age-like and brutal and it should be sent to history trash. Worker-communist Party calls on all libertarian people to come to scene at 10th of October, in anyway that they can.
Workers, Teachers, Women, Youth, Students!
10th of October is an opportunity to, together with the world, stand against this hideous state crime and denounce it in every form. We have to denounce the Capital Punishment, this hideous state crime, in every factory, in every university and school and classroom, and in every neighborhood and community. We have around one month to prepare for 10th of October and to express, as strong as possible, our collective protest. From making a petition and sending it to execution-opposing International authorities and organizations to organizing gatherings, speeches, discussions, conversations, writing graffiti in city and workplace and school, we have to oppose Capital Punishment in every possible way. The sheer majority of Iranian people are staunchly against execution and the government of executions. This hatred and unhappiness should be turned to an organized movement.
Capital Punishment is nowhere as extensive and as brutal as in Islamic Republic. Islamic Republic has executed more than hundred thousand people of our beloveds. And in the other side, there is a unique, vast and strong movement against executions that exists in the heart of Iranian society. The movement against executions is the same force that protested the execution decree of “Kobra Rahmanpour”s, raised up to save Nazanin Fatehi, and, on 7th of September, mobilized in response to call of prisoners. 10th of October is a unique opportunity for this movement to oppose the Islamic Republic and its executions 100 times more strong and with a voice, more vocal than ever, all over the world.
In Abroad:
10th of October we should gather in large gatherings all over the world and demand a ban on execution in Iran and all over the world. We should come to scene and strongly denounce the Islamic Republic, the governments of USA, China and other executing governments. We should come to scene and together with people in Iran oppose the government of 100 thousands executions; we should attack this government in every direction. We have about a month to bring more people to the struggle, make them aware of this hideous act of the states and make them oppose the executing governments and standing against stoning and executions of Islamic Republic, everywhere, in city streets and squares and in contacting human rights organizations and bodies.
This opportunity is to be priced. We should, with all of our efforts in various aspects and day-and-night struggle to bring sheer masses of people to a open, vast and organized protest, convert 10th of October to a turning point in progress against Capital Punishment and the regime of 100 thousands executions. Worker-communist Party, both inside the country and abroad, on 10th of October, will use all its force to oppose Capital Punishment generally and Islamic Republic particularly.
We salute all activists and fighters against executions for a vast, strong and historical 10th of October.
Long live global struggle to eliminate the Capital Punishment
Shall the movement of Iranian people against executions be victorious
Down with Islamic Republic
Long Live Socialist Republic
Worker-communist Party of Iran
September 12th, 2007
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