Come to streets at 10th of October (the international day against Capital Punishment)!
Today, 7th of September and tomorrow, 8th of September, in a response to call of tens of prisoners from Evin, Gohardasht, Sanandaj, Oroomie, Naghade, Kermanshah and etc. there will be demonstrations and pickets in 15 cities in different countries of the world. In Sweden: Boros, Malmo, Stockholm, Gothenbug; in Finland: Tampere; in Germany: Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Berlin, Bremen; in Canada: Toronto, Vancouver; in Switzerland: Zurich; in Norway: Oslo; and in France: Lyon. This is a glorious show of the will and commitment of all of us to counter the everyday executions, oppressions, and atrocities of Islamic Republic.
We express our gratitude to each and every one present in today demonstrations. On behalf of all of those prisoners who had the initiative for this call and on behalf of fed-up people of Iran, we deeply thank all the bodies, organizations and individuals who supported the global action of 7th of September. All those who participated in any way, Political Prisoners who courageously initiated the call, bodies and organizations that with organizing demonstrations, pickets, photo exhibitions and informative tables in different countries awaked public opinion on Islamic Administration atrocities, workers from 19 Worker’s centers from different cities of Iran, 169 cultural, social and media bodies, more than 100 political activists who with signing the petition backed the prisoners message for a global action against executions and oppression and for release of Political Prisoners in 7th of September, 44 human rights organizations from all over the world that demanded an end to execution and oppression of Iranian people by the Islamic Republic, tens of thousands who signed the petitions against executions in Iran, and etc. all of these expanded a movement that every day goes deeper in the society and in international aspects and stands against the Islamic Republic brutality. All of these activities should be honored and a stronger struggle should be initiated. This is start of a struggle, much wider and much more global, to counter the Islamic Republic, a government who is committing unprecedented crimes out of despair and lack of perspective and in order to intimidate the society and save itself. We are determined to continue the struggle, with all our force, to stop the executions and make the Islamic Republic retreat and we have no doubt that this struggle is going to get larger dimensions.
10th of October, which is officially recognized as “global day against Capital Punishment, is another opportunity for coming to scene of a vast force against Capital Punishment in general and against executions in Iran and against the Islamic Republic? This year and on this occasion there will be a resolution offered to General Assembly of United Nations that calls on all the world governments to “internationally suspend the capital punishment”. On the occasion, some of the international organizations against executions and also the Amnesty International have declared an international campaign called “World decides: stop the capital punishment!” these, without a doubt, will aware the public opinion of Capital Punishment, this state deliberate murder, and will be a suitable opportunity for a more effective struggle for elimination of Capital Punishment in Iran and the world.
The Worker-communist Party will play its role and will determinedly try for 10th of October to be a radical global action against Capital Punishment and particularly a day to protest the executions in Iran and exposure of Islamic Republic atrocities. We invite all the libertarian people, whether in Iran or abroad, to start the preparation of protest on 10th of October.
Long live struggle against Capital Punishment in Iran and the world!
Down with Islamic Republic!
Asqar Karimi,
The head of Secretariat’s Council of Worker-communist Party of Iran
7th of September, 2007
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