(Report No.1)
Worker-communist Party organized extensive and various actions in response to call of political prisoners for global action against executions and in defense of political prisoners. From informative pickets to demonstrations, from meeting the Worker’s and human rights bodies and organizations to using media for awareness of public opinion,… this is a part of Worker-communist Party efforts in recent days in different countries.
In 7th of September following the successful action of last week in protesting the recent executions with organizing several informative tables, photo exhibition on Islamic Republic atrocities and commemoration of those who lost their life in freedom’s path, another action was organized in Frankfurt. It started with an assembly in centre of the city and then demonstrators marched towards Maine River. On the way, leaflets informing people about the Islamic Republic atrocities were distributed and more and more joined the march. A long queue stopped on the large bridge of Maine, a minute of silence was declared for commemoration of those who lost their life in freedom’s path, and Soheila Kiani read a poem of hers in commemoration of her brother who had been executed before. “Remember me” hymn was sung by all and with fervent feelings. Some joined the protestant gathering upon hearing this hymn and then everybody throw a rose into the river in remembrance of those who lost their life.
Hamburg :
In Hamburg, an informative camp and simultaneously, a demonstration opposite the consulate of Islamic Republic was organized. Demonstrators shouted slogans and attracted massive attention with their large placards and also the camp that had been set up for information purposes.
Cologne :
In centre of the Cologne city, a protest gathering was organized and a photo exhibition on atrocities of regime was set up to take people’s attention. Worker-communist Party declarations were distributed between people and the last up-to-date information was given on political prisoner’s conditions in Iran and the atrocities of regime. Mohammad Asangaran spoke a fervent speech saying that we have come here with call of prisoners who are threatened by the immediate life danger. And these prisoners have requested all libertarian people to protest the series of executions and for freedom of political prisoners. He also declared that we should pressure the criminal regime of Islamic Republic and make it retreat, with increasing protests on 10th of October, the international day against capital punishment. Governments and parliaments should be pressured to dismiss the Islamic Regime from international bodies and the diplomatic ties with Islamic Republic are to be done with.
Berlin :
The party activists in Berlin organized an information table and photo exhibition with the subject of Islamic republic atrocities and recent executions. Photos related to Stoning and homosexuals executions and street fights between students and oppressive forces of the Islamic Republic, were demonstrated in a busy street and attracted the attention of people who welcomed them warmly. Distribution of leaflets and protest letters in several languages calling on people and human-rights defending bodies and Worker’s organizations, resulted in an intensive declaration of hate of people towards Islamic Republic.
Many of the people demanded a fierce action of European states to boycott the Islamic Republic from International community.
Stockholm :
On 7th of September, Stockholm city centre witnessed presence of people protesting the executions and oppression of people by Islamic Republic, in a strongly-organized demonstration. Pia Atyabi, the host of event, welcomed those present and noted that this demonstration is part of a series of activities to stop the human-killing machine of Islamic Republic. Meeting the Parliamentarian parties’ representatives and representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and installment of Information tables to attract the public opinion and organizing demonstrations are among the other activities. He emphasized that: “one of our aims is to eliminate the Capital Punishment and we will continue our activities until we reach this aim.” Pia Atyabi read aloud the letter of Political Prisoners in English.
Representatives from several Swedish parliamentary parties and several political organizations spoke in the event.
Left Party and Centre Party sent written messages in support of the event demands that were also read.
Bodil Kibl Yoos, from the Green Party, and Irene Oskarshoon from the Social-Christian Party declared, in their speech, that they strongly denounce the Islamic Republic and will intensify their efforts to effect the Swedish government for a serious and fierce behavior towards Islamic Republic. He also showed a picture from one of the recent executions of Islamic Republic and said: “this is a crime that Islamic Republic is doing against humanity. Every day I receive numerous emails from Anti-execution activists that reflect the brutal behavior of Islamic Republic with ordinary people”. He confirmed that Islamic Republic should be pressured in an international coordination to stop these atrocities.
Yoohan Strandell, from Amnesty International, denounced the recent executions and oppressions of Islamic Republic and said that Amnesty International will try to mobilize the public opinion and get the support of United Nations to pressure Islamic Republic to stop the executions. He pointed out the execution of children in Iran and said that Amnesty has a specific campaign against Children execution in Iran and will pursue Islamic Republic in United Nations for disregarding international regulations, and execution of teenagers and those below 18. He said that he wants to make the Islamic Republic stop the children execution through international community. He then pointed out the 10th of October, International day of struggle against Capital Punishment, and said that Amnesty and other Human Rights organizations should submit a proposal to United Nations on this day so that no country in the world would have the right to execute capital punishment.
Orban Lofkoyst, from Reporters without Borders, denounced the Islamic Republic for oppression and execution and noted the oppression of reporters, prosecution, torture and issuing execution decrees for reporters in Iran and said that Islamic Republic is on the top of the list of those who suppress the freedom of speech and jails and threatens those who write and think independently. He strongly protested to execution decrees for two reporters, Adnan Hasanpoor and Hiva Bootimar and demanded the nullification of these degrees and elimination of Capital Punishment, generally.
Mahnaz Masoori spoke representing the International Campaign to defend the Women Rights in Iran. She explained how the brutal oppression of women in summer by Islamic Republic failed to silent the protestant, libertarian and egalitarian movement of women. This oppression was met with extensive resistance of women and youth in Iran and international protest against Islamic Republic. She then explained about the women rightlessness in Islamic Republic and compared this administration with Apartheid government of South Africa and said that World should do to Islamic Republic, what it did to Apartheid government of Africa. She said end of political relations between European governments and Islamic Republic is a demand of Iranian people and confirmed that: “we will pursue this demand with all our power and with relying on the mobilization of public opinion to pressure the European states and seriously demanding of Swedish government to respect the public demands”.
Mohammad Amiri spoke on behalf of Worker-communist Party. He strongly denounced the Swedish government for its political relations and negotiations that has now with Islamic Republic representatives and confirmed that Political Prisoners would not be left alone. Immediately after prisoners sent their letter, we organized worldwide activities to mobilize the public opinion against Islamic Republic and its atrocities and pressure the western governments so they would react fiercely to oppressions and executions of Islamic Republic. Mohammad Amiri confirmed that these activities will still continue in different forms and Worker-communist Party will use all its force to mobilize people and international public opinion in order to make the Islamic Republic retreat once more.
Rahim Yazdan-Parast spoke from the International Federation of Refugees. He pointed out the running away of thousands of people from the Islamic Republic hell and emphasized the fact that oppressions and executions is a primary reason for running away of people from Islamic Republic. Noting that Islamic Republic is not a safe country, he also emphasized that European governments avoid confirming this fact and they close their eyes on Islamic Republic atrocities. He demanded recognition of Islamic Republic as an unsafe Islamic country and an end to political relations of Swedish government with Islamic Republic.
The next speaker was Jamshid Atyabi, a cadre of Worker-communist Party, who strongly attacked the Swedish government and exposed the duplicity of Swedish government policies. He also strongly criticized the Swedish media and said that when a caricature of Islamic prophet is published, they widely reflect the Muslims protests but they are silent toward Islamic Republic atrocities including complete brutality of executing uner-18 children and stoning women. He called on Swedish people and invited them to support the movement against Capital Punishment, stoning and oppression in Iran and pressure the Swedish government and media to get a strong stance against Islamic Republic.
Then Manoochehr Masoori thanked those present and those who supported this call and protests. He also emphasized the extensiveness of protests against executions, declaring that with solidarity and unity against oppression and execution, Islamic Republic can be made to retreat and ultimately we can let the people to get rid of the Islamic administration. Manoochehr Masoori invited people to welcome the activities and seminars against Capital Punishment on 10th of October, global day against executions, and to increasingly pressure the Islamic Republic to eliminate the Capital Punishment. He also read a message of Asqar Karim
i, Head of Secretaries’ council of Worker-communist Party.
In Gothenburg, the second day of gathering continued triumphantly. The Gothenburg organization of Worker-communist Party, in response to call of political prisoners and execution convicts and in coordination with global action against oppression and executions in Iran, organized a 3-days-long gathering from 6th to 8th of September. This happened in a big camp in the city main square, Gostav Adolf Square. All around the camp and inside it, there is a large exhibition from photos of executions, torture, oppression and brutal attack of regime against women that attracts a lot of attention. People come in groups to the gathering place and with observing photos and listening to explanations of activists, they declare sympathy with political prisoners and hate towards Islamic Republic brutalities and they also sign a prepared protest petition. A wave of human feelings and sympathy with Political prisoners and opposition to execution is prevalent. Hundreds copies of Political prisoner’s declaration in Swedish, English and Persian and also letters of Mina Ahadi, secretary of International Committee Against Executions, Shahla Danesfar, responsible for the Solidarity Committee of Worker-communist Party, Navid Minayi, responsible for the Communist Youth Organization, Behrooz Mehrabadi, the spokesperson of the Committee of Struggle for Release of Political Prisoners and the declaration of support from International Federation of Iranian Refugees were widely circulated.
Until now more than 2000 signatures has been collected against oppression of Islamic Republic and for elimination of Capital Punishment.
A local newspaper published a report about the gathering and call of political prisoners. Reporter of a Spanish newspaper while interviewing, also made a pictorial report. The reporters of New Channel TV made a report and also interviewed those present. Many of Persian-speaking radios of the city supported the political prisoner’s demands and introduced the gathering.
On Saturday, 3 PM, a demonstration is going to took place against oppression and executions in Iran and with the aim of gathering the support of public opinion of libertarian people and to publicize the message of political prisoners and execution convicts. The gathering will continue till the September 8th evening.
7th of September, 3 PM, tens of people gathered in front of state parliament of Ontario to protest against recent oppressions and executions of Islamic Republic. The Party activists, holding protest placards and photos of executions, exposed the Islamic Republic atrocities. In this protest gathering, speakers from Worker-communist Party activists and other libertarian organizations spoke.
Babak Yazdi, from the Central Committee of Worker-communist Party and Sardar Abdullah, from the Leftist Worker-communist Party of Iraq were among the speakers. Ali Mosharaf, a political activist from Afghanistan, Hasan Golzar, from Khavaran Association, Yadi Mahmoodi, from Central Committee of the Party and representative of International Federation of Refugees, Sochin fron the Organizations of Canadian Secularists, Mahmood Ahmadi, from the Worker-communist Unity Party, and Somia from the Communist Party of Pakistan were among the other speakers and they all talked against Islamic Republic and the atrocities of this regime.
Jamshid Hadian, from the Party central committee, talked several times in English and read the declaration of prisoners for those present. The gathering took about 2 hours.
Abroad Organization of Worker-communist Party of Iran
Saturday, 8th of September 2007
Worker-communist Party organized extensive and various actions in response to call of political prisoners for global action against executions and in defense of political prisoners. From informative pickets to demonstrations, from meeting the Worker’s and human rights bodies and organizations to using media for awareness of public opinion,… this is a part of Worker-communist Party efforts in recent days in different countries.

In 7th of September following the successful action of last week in protesting the recent executions with organizing several informative tables, photo exhibition on Islamic Republic atrocities and commemoration of those who lost their life in freedom’s path, another action was organized in Frankfurt. It started with an assembly in centre of the city and then demonstrators marched towards Maine River. On the way, leaflets informing people about the Islamic Republic atrocities were distributed and more and more joined the march. A long queue stopped on the large bridge of Maine, a minute of silence was declared for commemoration of those who lost their life in freedom’s path, and Soheila Kiani read a poem of hers in commemoration of her brother who had been executed before. “Remember me” hymn was sung by all and with fervent feelings. Some joined the protestant gathering upon hearing this hymn and then everybody throw a rose into the river in remembrance of those who lost their life.
Hamburg :
In Hamburg, an informative camp and simultaneously, a demonstration opposite the consulate of Islamic Republic was organized. Demonstrators shouted slogans and attracted massive attention with their large placards and also the camp that had been set up for information purposes.
Cologne :

In centre of the Cologne city, a protest gathering was organized and a photo exhibition on atrocities of regime was set up to take people’s attention. Worker-communist Party declarations were distributed between people and the last up-to-date information was given on political prisoner’s conditions in Iran and the atrocities of regime. Mohammad Asangaran spoke a fervent speech saying that we have come here with call of prisoners who are threatened by the immediate life danger. And these prisoners have requested all libertarian people to protest the series of executions and for freedom of political prisoners. He also declared that we should pressure the criminal regime of Islamic Republic and make it retreat, with increasing protests on 10th of October, the international day against capital punishment. Governments and parliaments should be pressured to dismiss the Islamic Regime from international bodies and the diplomatic ties with Islamic Republic are to be done with.
Berlin :

The party activists in Berlin organized an information table and photo exhibition with the subject of Islamic republic atrocities and recent executions. Photos related to Stoning and homosexuals executions and street fights between students and oppressive forces of the Islamic Republic, were demonstrated in a busy street and attracted the attention of people who welcomed them warmly. Distribution of leaflets and protest letters in several languages calling on people and human-rights defending bodies and Worker’s organizations, resulted in an intensive declaration of hate of people towards Islamic Republic.
Many of the people demanded a fierce action of European states to boycott the Islamic Republic from International community.
Stockholm :
On 7th of September, Stockholm city centre witnessed presence of people protesting the executions and oppression of people by Islamic Republic, in a strongly-organized demonstration. Pia Atyabi, the host of event, welcomed those present and noted that this demonstration is part of a series of activities to stop the human-killing machine of Islamic Republic. Meeting the Parliamentarian parties’ representatives and representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and installment of Information tables to attract the public opinion and organizing demonstrations are among the other activities. He emphasized that: “one of our aims is to eliminate the Capital Punishment and we will continue our activities until we reach this aim.” Pia Atyabi read aloud the letter of Political Prisoners in English.
Representatives from several Swedish parliamentary parties and several political organizations spoke in the event.
Left Party and Centre Party sent written messages in support of the event demands that were also read.
Bodil Kibl Yoos, from the Green Party, and Irene Oskarshoon from the Social-Christian Party declared, in their speech, that they strongly denounce the Islamic Republic and will intensify their efforts to effect the Swedish government for a serious and fierce behavior towards Islamic Republic. He also showed a picture from one of the recent executions of Islamic Republic and said: “this is a crime that Islamic Republic is doing against humanity. Every day I receive numerous emails from Anti-execution activists that reflect the brutal behavior of Islamic Republic with ordinary people”. He confirmed that Islamic Republic should be pressured in an international coordination to stop these atrocities.
Yoohan Strandell, from Amnesty International, denounced the recent executions and oppressions of Islamic Republic and said that Amnesty International will try to mobilize the public opinion and get the support of United Nations to pressure Islamic Republic to stop the executions. He pointed out the execution of children in Iran and said that Amnesty has a specific campaign against Children execution in Iran and will pursue Islamic Republic in United Nations for disregarding international regulations, and execution of teenagers and those below 18. He said that he wants to make the Islamic Republic stop the children execution through international community. He then pointed out the 10th of October, International day of struggle against Capital Punishment, and said that Amnesty and other Human Rights organizations should submit a proposal to United Nations on this day so that no country in the world would have the right to execute capital punishment.
Orban Lofkoyst, from Reporters without Borders, denounced the Islamic Republic for oppression and execution and noted the oppression of reporters, prosecution, torture and issuing execution decrees for reporters in Iran and said that Islamic Republic is on the top of the list of those who suppress the freedom of speech and jails and threatens those who write and think independently. He strongly protested to execution decrees for two reporters, Adnan Hasanpoor and Hiva Bootimar and demanded the nullification of these degrees and elimination of Capital Punishment, generally.
Mahnaz Masoori spoke representing the International Campaign to defend the Women Rights in Iran. She explained how the brutal oppression of women in summer by Islamic Republic failed to silent the protestant, libertarian and egalitarian movement of women. This oppression was met with extensive resistance of women and youth in Iran and international protest against Islamic Republic. She then explained about the women rightlessness in Islamic Republic and compared this administration with Apartheid government of South Africa and said that World should do to Islamic Republic, what it did to Apartheid government of Africa. She said end of political relations between European governments and Islamic Republic is a demand of Iranian people and confirmed that: “we will pursue this demand with all our power and with relying on the mobilization of public opinion to pressure the European states and seriously demanding of Swedish government to respect the public demands”.
Mohammad Amiri spoke on behalf of Worker-communist Party. He strongly denounced the Swedish government for its political relations and negotiations that has now with Islamic Republic representatives and confirmed that Political Prisoners would not be left alone. Immediately after prisoners sent their letter, we organized worldwide activities to mobilize the public opinion against Islamic Republic and its atrocities and pressure the western governments so they would react fiercely to oppressions and executions of Islamic Republic. Mohammad Amiri confirmed that these activities will still continue in different forms and Worker-communist Party will use all its force to mobilize people and international public opinion in order to make the Islamic Republic retreat once more.
Rahim Yazdan-Parast spoke from the International Federation of Refugees. He pointed out the running away of thousands of people from the Islamic Republic hell and emphasized the fact that oppressions and executions is a primary reason for running away of people from Islamic Republic. Noting that Islamic Republic is not a safe country, he also emphasized that European governments avoid confirming this fact and they close their eyes on Islamic Republic atrocities. He demanded recognition of Islamic Republic as an unsafe Islamic country and an end to political relations of Swedish government with Islamic Republic.
The next speaker was Jamshid Atyabi, a cadre of Worker-communist Party, who strongly attacked the Swedish government and exposed the duplicity of Swedish government policies. He also strongly criticized the Swedish media and said that when a caricature of Islamic prophet is published, they widely reflect the Muslims protests but they are silent toward Islamic Republic atrocities including complete brutality of executing uner-18 children and stoning women. He called on Swedish people and invited them to support the movement against Capital Punishment, stoning and oppression in Iran and pressure the Swedish government and media to get a strong stance against Islamic Republic.
Then Manoochehr Masoori thanked those present and those who supported this call and protests. He also emphasized the extensiveness of protests against executions, declaring that with solidarity and unity against oppression and execution, Islamic Republic can be made to retreat and ultimately we can let the people to get rid of the Islamic administration. Manoochehr Masoori invited people to welcome the activities and seminars against Capital Punishment on 10th of October, global day against executions, and to increasingly pressure the Islamic Republic to eliminate the Capital Punishment. He also read a message of Asqar Karim

In Gothenburg, the second day of gathering continued triumphantly. The Gothenburg organization of Worker-communist Party, in response to call of political prisoners and execution convicts and in coordination with global action against oppression and executions in Iran, organized a 3-days-long gathering from 6th to 8th of September. This happened in a big camp in the city main square, Gostav Adolf Square. All around the camp and inside it, there is a large exhibition from photos of executions, torture, oppression and brutal attack of regime against women that attracts a lot of attention. People come in groups to the gathering place and with observing photos and listening to explanations of activists, they declare sympathy with political prisoners and hate towards Islamic Republic brutalities and they also sign a prepared protest petition. A wave of human feelings and sympathy with Political prisoners and opposition to execution is prevalent. Hundreds copies of Political prisoner’s declaration in Swedish, English and Persian and also letters of Mina Ahadi, secretary of International Committee Against Executions, Shahla Danesfar, responsible for the Solidarity Committee of Worker-communist Party, Navid Minayi, responsible for the Communist Youth Organization, Behrooz Mehrabadi, the spokesperson of the Committee of Struggle for Release of Political Prisoners and the declaration of support from International Federation of Iranian Refugees were widely circulated.
Until now more than 2000 signatures has been collected against oppression of Islamic Republic and for elimination of Capital Punishment.
A local newspaper published a report about the gathering and call of political prisoners. Reporter of a Spanish newspaper while interviewing, also made a pictorial report. The reporters of New Channel TV made a report and also interviewed those present. Many of Persian-speaking radios of the city supported the political prisoner’s demands and introduced the gathering.
On Saturday, 3 PM, a demonstration is going to took place against oppression and executions in Iran and with the aim of gathering the support of public opinion of libertarian people and to publicize the message of political prisoners and execution convicts. The gathering will continue till the September 8th evening.

7th of September, 3 PM, tens of people gathered in front of state parliament of Ontario to protest against recent oppressions and executions of Islamic Republic. The Party activists, holding protest placards and photos of executions, exposed the Islamic Republic atrocities. In this protest gathering, speakers from Worker-communist Party activists and other libertarian organizations spoke.
Babak Yazdi, from the Central Committee of Worker-communist Party and Sardar Abdullah, from the Leftist Worker-communist Party of Iraq were among the speakers. Ali Mosharaf, a political activist from Afghanistan, Hasan Golzar, from Khavaran Association, Yadi Mahmoodi, from Central Committee of the Party and representative of International Federation of Refugees, Sochin fron the Organizations of Canadian Secularists, Mahmood Ahmadi, from the Worker-communist Unity Party, and Somia from the Communist Party of Pakistan were among the other speakers and they all talked against Islamic Republic and the atrocities of this regime.
Jamshid Hadian, from the Party central committee, talked several times in English and read the declaration of prisoners for those present. The gathering took about 2 hours.
Abroad Organization of Worker-communist Party of Iran
Saturday, 8th of September 2007
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